State Operator for Non-Lethal Acquisitionr has reported on the implementation of its anti-corruption program for the first half of the year.
During this time, DOT conducted 951 inspections of business partners. Of these:
- 585 were for supplies, 131 of which did not meet the requirements, two were rejected,
- 154 - fuel and lubricants, 22 did not meet the requirements,
- 135 - food supplies, 24 of which did not meet the requirements, one was rejected.
In addition, 79 business partners were checked for internal procurement of the DOT (procurement for the Agency's needs). Of these, 14 did not meet the requirements, and one potential candidate was rejected.
In addition, the DOT has begun to develop a risk management policy with three lines of defense: operational internal control of business activities, risk management and internal audit. This makes it possible to draw a clear distinction between three separate functions, namely management, risk and control, and internal audit.
"Over six months, we have established the main areas of anti-corruption infrastructure in the agency. We have processed information on almost a thousand business partners and planned several projects that strengthen anti-corruption measures. In particular, we have already started working on a three-level protection mechanism for risk management," said Dmytro Bihunets, Chief Risk and Compliance Officer.
Plans for the next six months:
- certify the anti-corruption management system for compliance with the standard,
- conduct training for staff to share modern methods of managing corruption risks, conduct OSINT analysis based on artificial intelligence and risk management,
- strengthen cooperation with NATO procurement agencies.
We provide non-lethal needs so that the Armed Forces can focus on their main mission.