Report Corruption

Would you like to report violations of anti-corruption legislation or ethical norms by DOT employees or suppliers?

Please leave your report in a way that is convenient for you:
1. Email address of the Anti-Corruption Officer:
2. Feedback form.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption," all submissions will be reviewed and verified by the Commissioner for Anti-Corruption Activities. All submissions and information regarding the complainant are confidential.

Learn about the anti-corruption program
Learn about the anti-corruption program
The Law of Ukraine On Prevention of Corruption
The Law of Ukraine On Prevention of Corruption
The Unified State Register of Persons Who Have Committed Acts of Corruption or Corruption-Related Offenses
The Unified State Register of Persons Who Have Committed Acts of Corruption
<small> Standardized regulation on authorized units (authorized persons) for the prevention and detection of corruption </small>
Standardized regulation on authorized units (authorized persons) for the prevention and detection
Legal Status of Whistleblowers
Legal Status of Whistleblowers
Submission of Reports on Corruption Offenses
Submission of Reports on Corruption Offenses
Overarching guidelines on preventing and managing conflict of interest
Overarching guidelines on preventing and managing conflict of interest
Database of Sanctions of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Database of Sanctions of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention

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