
In 3 months of operation, the State Logistics Operator has concluded 87 contracts totaling 12 billion hryvnias

In 3 months of operation, the State Logistics Operator has concluded 87 contracts totaling 12 billion hryvnias

During three months of operation, the State Logistics Operator announced 144 procurement procedures for goods for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Out of these, 95% were announced through the electronic system Prozorro. The remaining 5% consisted of direct contract procedures, which were used in cases of urgent need, where time constraints did not allow for the use of Prozorro.   

As of March 11th, DOT has concluded 87 contracts totaling 12 billion hryvnias. Among them, 55 are for material supplies, 2 for the supply of disposable tableware, and 30 contracts for fuel and lubricants.   

Due to competitive bidding, DOT has managed to save 2.9 billion hryvnias compared to prices before the State Logistics Operator's inception. Savings in material supplies amounted to 10%, while for fuel and lubricants, it was 26%.  

Overall, by the beginning of March, suppliers have delivered 52% of the purchased volume to the Armed Forces. Specifically, 23% of the material goods from concluded contracts have already been delivered, while for fuel and lubricants, this figure stands at 72%.   

The first food deliveries are expected from April 1st. Currently, DOT has concluded contracts for food supply following the results of the first round of commercial proposals collection. These contracts were concluded within the existing legislation without using an electronic system with food production companies.   

On March 11th, the second round of commercial proposals collection was announced. A report on the concluded contracts, including the names of the companies, will be published in the Prozorro system by the end of the week. 

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