#Пально-мастильні матеріали

DOT Announces First Procurements in the Fuel and Lubricants Category

DOT Announces First Procurements in the Fuel and Lubricants Category

Procurements will be conducted through a competitive procedure in the Prozorro electronic system.   

Auctions are announced for 4 lots:   

1. Automotive gasoline A-92-Euro5-E5(0) 

2. Automotive gasoline A-80-Euro3(4)-E5(0) (and/or A-80-DZ, and/or A-80) 

3. Diesel fuel DP-Arc-Euro5-B0 

4. Fuel for jet engines RT (and/or TS-1 fuel for jet engines, and/or aviation fuel for gas turbine engines JET A-1) 

The expected date for auctions is January 2.   

The progress of each auction can be monitored on Prozorro. 


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